Concept Capital Group

When Concept Capital Group (CCG) decided to set up their business, they knew they wanted to be part of the solution to Britain’s housing crisis. With living costs soaring, rents sky high and home ownership unobtainable for many, CCG has created a unique housing formula for both tenants and investors. The concept is simple: provide a secure and stable home for the most vulnerable in society while offering an alternative buy-to-let opportunity for people looking to invest in property and receive a hassle-free passive income.

Since its inception, CCG has housed over 450 families and individuals and 300 homes are under management.

For Trechana Matthews, Head of Marketing and Operations at CCG, creating something that benefits individuals in desperate need of a home and investors looking to get on the housing ladder makes complete sense given the UK’s ongoing housing predicament. We only have to look at the statistics to understand what Matthews is alluding to. 

In 2022, less than 7,000 homes for social housing were built, compared to 29,000 that were sold or demolished. Meanwhile the waiting list for social housing is increasing, with over one million households currently registered. Social housebuilding in England is in fact at its lowest rate in decades with 1.4 million fewer households in social housing than there were in 1980, forcing more people into temporary accommodation or homelessness due to the lack of availability. Put simply, there are not enough good quality, low-cost homes available for those who need one.

This is where CCG can help. “Until we address the problem, especially in London, these issues will continue,” adds Matthews, whose previous roles include working in property lettings. “CCG is a positive step in the right direction. The more people who know about us and how we can help— whether that’s providing a stable, secure home to live in or a sound investment at an affordable price—the better.”  

With this in mind, CCG decided that the best way to raise their profile was to appoint a marketing specialist with expertise in supporting young businesses optimise their brand. She appointed Karla Watkins, who is now founder of The M Formula. “We didn’t have a lead generation specialist before,” says Matthews, “but since Karla joined us, her knowledge and understanding of what CCG is looking to achieve has been invaluable. Not only that, Karla is clearly ambitious, driven, has great energy, is open to learning—she’s basically a real asset to our team.” 

Indeed, having Karla on board has helped to achieve tangible results for CCG. Since October 2021, The M Formula has built CCG’s email marketing funnel, which has increased visitors to their website twofold—from five hundred users per month to an average of a thousand users. Karla has also helped to grow CCG’s sales revenue from facebook and instagram advertising to approximately 2.5 sales a month in addition to generating an average of 200 high quality leads monthly.

“One of the many benefits of having Karla on board has been her ability to create opportunities,” explains Matthews. “We previously paid a third party to generate leads for us, which basically achieved one sale in 12 months. Karla, in contrast, has been able to sustain 26 sales in 12 months from Facebook and Instagram—two platforms which have produced the most traffic for us. She knows exactly the right customers to target and as a result, has generated over £1,000,000 worth of revenue for the company.” 

The biggest advantage of having someone support you with your social media presence rather than managing it yourself, adds Matthews, is time. “That’s what The M Formula offers: Time to target exactly the right customers; time dedicated to converting potential leads into new clients; time dedicated to helping maximise our sales potential, which, in turn, gives CCG time to focus on other elements of the business.”